Nov. 11, 2001, the day before the National Specialty, Rose Farley, from the Novice Jr. class defeated the Open Sr. to win Best Junior Handler in Specialty with Hosanna Precious Gift! (photo at right) at the Afghan Hound Club of Greater Houston. They also placed 3rd in the American Bred class, defeating worthy adult competition. Rose was only 13, and we are VERY proud of her! The judge was Jane Jantos-Shepherd. Rose attended her FIRST National Specialty too.
Rose and I attended the Crab Orchard KC shows in Du Quinn, IL October 13&14. Rose did not participate in Junior Handling at these shows, but helped someone with their Shih Tzu on Sunday, and won a point with it. This was Rose's very first ever AKC point win!
On August 31, 2001, Rose Farley won the Novice Jr. class at the Greater Detroit Afghan Hound Specialty Show, handling Joshua. The Jr. Handling judge was Shelly Hennessey She also got 1st place in the American Bred class with him. The judge (dogs) was Georgiana Guthrie. (photos at top of page)