The "Truth," funded by the American Legacy Foundation with money extorted from smokers through the $246 BILLION Master Settlement Agreement between the tobacco industry and state attorneys general in 1998, has spent millions of dollars hoodwinking the public. Their "Body Bags" ads say "Tobacco Kills 1200 Smokers A Day." The implication is clear: Only smokers die in such huge numbers. But let's look at the REAL Truth. In the United States nearly three million people die every year. If 438,000 of those deaths occur in smokers, nearly two and a half million occur in nonsmokers, making the daily toll look like the chart below.
An additional calculation, added by Lynda Farley:
IF annual deaths of smokers = 438,000and total annual deaths =3,000,000Then 438,000/3,000,000=.15.15X100= 15%This means (if we believe the body bag numbers)annual deaths of smokers are only 15% of total deaths.I really am not sure what the current actual percentage of smokers is in the USA -but I am sure whatever it is, it's less now than it was when these body bag numbers were made up.I am VERY sure it is STILL quite a bit more than 15% (I will guess 24-25%).If one believes the propaganda, one would EXPECT the proportion of smoker's deaths
in any year TO BE HIGHER than the proportion of smokers in the population.Instead, it appears that a SMALLER percentage of smokers dies than non-smokers.If this is a printed page, TURN IT OVER - MORE INFO on BACK
Tell me, WHAT in heck is going on here????
HOW in hallelujah, based on THESE numbers, can they * have brainwashed the entire country to believe more smokers die than non-smokers? (including me - just a few days ago I was feeling 'guilty' because I believed a little of it might be true)
Wouldn't you love to see more studies to find out what else tobacco might protect against, that apparently is MORE THAN enough to offset the higher lung cancer death rate, giving overall results like this? But, you can bet since the tobacco witch has already been tied to the stake, and the fire lit, nobody in their right mind is going to fund such studies, even if anyone had the temerity to suggest them.
No, the drug companies now rake in the $ for the nicotine pills and patches - and more with every new smoking ban. And our Kentucky farmer's livelihoods have been axed - actually, their jobs exported - along with so many others.
* I am using the term 'they' very loosely here. I am not entirely sure who all 'they' are, but it would be the ones responsible for initiating and funding all the propoganda in the education, health, government, and other such systems over about the past 30 years.
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