toad picture photograph LOADING...... Toad as an adult |
another toad photograph picture LOADING...... TOAD front view |
incredible TOAD photograph picture LOADING...... |
This really is the original toad that served as the inspiration for the toad story. |
Toad front view. |
Toad and Tribute (to Gazehound-l) This is my first post to this list. I was told that the people on this list were very helpful and there was an on going discussion of important topics. Also, it was a great place to exchange important thoughts and experiences. After a few days reading about your exciting experiences, deep and careful thought on many important subjects I think the praise I heard for this list was understated. Where else could one read all the pros and cons of feeding wormy Kangaroo tails by real experts with hands on experience? And, a purse made from a kangaroo scrotum. WOW!!! And the tasty recipes from all varieties of fauna from around the world!! Just makes my mouth water. I felt very depressed and inadequate because I had nothing to contribute to such a knowledgeable group and feard I might even be dropped from the list because of not contributing. And then the subject of toads came up. Now I am feeling important because I think I can make a very important contribution to the group on the successful care and feeding of toads. In this, my first post to this august body, I don't want to be though of as braggart. But, if it is the truth it is not bragging. In my yard I have the largest and fattest collection of California Toads in the world. Since this is called an information exchange list, I feel obligated to share my secrets of success with all. It started with one fine toad which spent an entire summer sitting under my bug light gorging itself on Bar-B-Qued bugs. By late August it was so fat its legs could hardly touch the ground. It looked much like a light colored cow pie. Then the El Nino year came with lots of rain and standing water and Toad (I selected a unique name for it) found a fertile mate. I wish I could tell you that I had a hand in selecting the mate because the breeding was so successful. Surely this group of experts has not had any experience with unplanned breeding? So I must tell you that at times they work great, especially with toads. When the next spring came around they had increased to the point where it took two bug lights to feed them all. But, hey! no sacrifice is too great for one's toads. They are so numerous that they stand on each others backs to get first shot at the Bar-B-Qued bugs. This group has discussed some tasty recipes for their pets but I think I can top you all with the variety of the diet and different ways of cooking that I provide my toads each night. Who else provides their pets with perhaps 50 different varieties of food each meal? It is cooked in a variety of ways from charcoaled crispy to so rare it is still fluttering. I could go on an on about my toads, but I am sure it would bore you listening to me gloat over them like any proud parent. But I can't resist telling you about the cute thing one of them does. His name is "Toad to the 10th Power" , he lives on the opposite side of the house from the bug light. This is where I feed George another pet who is a Saluki, from what I have been reading on this list I doubt if any of you know what that is, so I'll just say it is a dog and get back to the important pets, toads. George usually doesn't eat all his food at one time. When George leaves his food "Toad--10" gets in the dish with the kibble. I am not sure if he eats kibble or perhaps leaves George his nightly "fix "of toad juice because George eats it later. I do need help with my toad breeding program. It is with movement. These toads can hardly hop and none of them single track. Herb Wells |
All material on this webpage belongs to Publisher, or Contributer of the Material, © 1999-2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This Website published on the 'fly' (pun intended), just for fun, by Lynda Farley ~ AAAWWW |
Note from the Publisher: Though I am extremely busy at this time, and sadly haven't even been able to read the list for the past several days, I am STILL FOMCLOL from last week's episodes ot the Toad Saga. : ). If Mr. Wells, or whoever - will send me from time to time items to post here, I will patch them up as time allows. Please send captions, text, titles, etc in emails so I can paste them. Just let me know what stuff should go on which pages, the titles for the pages, and so on. I can hardly wait to see the photos of Toads stacked, and gaiting. I hope they will come with explanations that will be enlightening to us novices. Thank you all for being SO entertaining and educational. : ) Sincerely, Lynda R. Farley AAAWWW |
unOfficial Website of the Toad Club of America ( tongue in cheek ~ ENJOY ) Disclaimer: There is no connection between this and any other (if any) REAL club or website by this name. |
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