for Grand Champion Champion Hosanna Perfect Will (“Eli”) X
Divine Tabernacle of Peace (“Ginger”)
calculations are very complex, so the page might take longer to load than other
The pedigree analysis is based on the information in the database and
is only accurate to that extent.
Incomplete generations (where there are
unknown ancestors) are shown in red. The only way to get a more exact COI is to
add the missing dogs. If there are too many dogs missing, the COI can show
0.000%. .
Inbreeding coefficient
The Inbreeding Coefficient
(IC) or Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) or Coefficient of Kinship of an
individual is defined as the probability that the two genes this individual has
in a locus are identical by descent, i.e. they are both inherited from a common
The calculation of the inbreeding coefficient is done to a given
pedigree depth (number of generations): the greater the depth of the pedigree,
the greater the chance of finding new common ancestors, and the higher the
inbreeding coefficient.
It only makes sense to compare the inbreeding
coefficients of different pedigrees if the number of generations used for the
calculation are the same and the pedigrees are complete for the
Partial inbreeding coefficient
The partial
inbreeding coefficients, Fij , measure the probability that the alleles at an
arbitrary locus in individual i are identical by descent and that the alleles
were derived from an allele in founder j.
The partial inbreeding
coefficients of the ancestors of an individual can be seen as their
"contribution" to this individual's COI, i.e. in a full pedigree the sum of all
partial COIs of all ancestors of the individual must equal the individual's COI!
Ancestors contributing the most to an individual's COI do not automatically
have the highest inbred percentage. By being a closer relative (grandparent,
great-grandparent) a dog with a low inbred percentage might have a larger
contributing factor than other dogs with a higher inbred percentage. The dog you
selected for pedigree analysis will have most in common with the ancestors
having the highest partial inbreeding coefficient.
here to go to
Blood Calculation/Ancestors loss
Sire: Hosanna
Perfect Will COI: 15.384%
Dam: Divine
Tabernacle Of Peace COI: 1.076%
count |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 | |
of distinct known Ancestors (over 10 generations) |
588 |
2 |
4 |
8 |
15 |
25 |
45 |
72 |
132 |
234 |
379 |
count of possible Ancestors (over 10 generations) |
2046 |
2 |
4 |
8 |
16 |
32 |
64 |
128 |
256 |
512 |
1024 |
0.23% | |
0.20% | |
0.20% | |
0.14% | |
0.09% | |
0.05% | |
0.05% | |
Arabi's Power House
(near CH) |
0.05% |
0.04% | |
0.04% | |
0.03% | |
0.03% | |
0.01% | |
0.01% | |
0.01% | |
0.01% | |