Gale & Reaper are staying with us here at Hosanna Afghan Hounds. Gale became a CHAMPION on February 13, 2008. Reaper has also finished his CH, at barely 2 years old. CH. Sister, Cat, became an Am & Can. CH last year!
Gale is a lightly marked cream brindle.
CLICK HERE for MOVIE of Gale running!
We've been showing Cat & Gale together in the same class (6-9, 9-12 & 12-18) through March 15, 2007. All of their (MANY!) points have been won with NO professional handling, & often with 'strangers' (to the puppies) and some who had not ever handled an Afghan Hound before!!
In their first 10 all breed shows together, one or the other won 1 or 2 points at 9 of those. They were tied 3 points each after their first 6 shows. At most of those 9 shows, the one who didn't win was Reserve. We're having a LOT of fun with these girls!
This litter has some of the very best temperaments we've ever seen. All are friendly, sweet, and outgoing, and love showing, though Gale is a bit wild! As of 5/13/07, Gale has 7 Championship points.
On May 5th, 2007, at Gray Summit, MO, Gale won another point. April 27, 28 & 29, at shows in Montgomery, AL, Gale was handled by a junior handler, 11 year old Anthony. They won Best of Breed on Friday, Best of Opposite Sex on Saturday, and Reserve Winner on Sunday. There was some excellent competition there on the weekend, and I'm proud of them both! 2/11/2007, at Indianapolis, IN, Hoosier Kennel Club, Gale was Winner & Best of Opposite Sex for 1 point, and her sister Cat was Reserve Winner. The Judge was Mrs. C. K. Steidel. Gale was handled by an Afghan Hound breeder friend, Margaret Howell (Shabanou Afghan Hounds). Gale would NOT stand still, Margaret had her hands VERY full, but judge said Gale showed 'moments of brilliance'. When/if this girl matures & settles down a bit, we think she'll be VERY hard to beat.
At Greenville, MS, on 1/20/07, Gale was Winner & Best Opposite Sex, for 1 point. Her sister, Cat, was Reserve Winner. Judge was Dr. J. Donald Jones. 1/21/07, Gale was Reserve Winner, and sister Cat was Winner, Best of Winners, and Best of Breed! Judge was Patricia Trotter.
Gale - won her first Ch points on December 8 (from 6-9 puppy class) and 9, 2006, at Biloxi, MS shows, and sister Cat - Hosanna's Bold Lioness was Reserve winner both days. Judge on 12/8 was Mrs. Molly Martin, on 12/9 Patti Widick-Neale. Gale moves VERY nicely when she isn't galloping and trying to drag me, or leaping up in the air trying to fly(?) I LOVE her SPIRIT <G>. On Saturday (1/9), Rose (my 18 year old daughter handling) won Best of Winners with her too, defeating a lovely adult male in a beautiful coat, with a prominent professional handler on him (he was winner's dog every day). 12/9 was their 9 month birthday, and first time in 9-12 puppy class. Reaper is a black masked black and tan brindle. He finished his Championship at Witchita, Kansas, April 3, 2008, with a 5 point major!
Just before the Indianapolis shows, Reaper patterned out a bit, and blew his foot coat. He managed Reserve Winner at Indy on 2/11/07, anyway. We did not enter him at Louisville, and will probably keep him out of the shows for a bit till he grows some more coat.
Reaper has started his show career with 6 Reserve wins in a ROW. These were at Paducah (he showed both days there, his sisters only the first day), Biloxi, MS (all 3 days), and 1st day at Greenville, MS. See Gale & Cat's show records for more details of those shows. He is a VERY nice puppy, moves very well, and always enjoying himself. He's beaten some VERY nice competition even getting all those reserves. We hope he'll be more competitive when he matures a bit more.
Cat now lives with Brian & Laura Wood, in Loma, MT. Look for her in show rings up north. As of March 15, 2007, she has 9 Championship points, and needs only her majors to finish. She finished her American Championship in July, and her Canadian Championship in August, 2007!
On March 15, 2007, at Mid Kentucky Kennel Club, at the huge Louisville Cluster of dog shows, Cat won Winner's Bitch & Best of Opposite Sex for 2 points. The judge was Lynn Schanzle, an Afghan Hound breeder judge (Mahali Afghan Hounds). Cat was handled to this win by a lovely 16 year old Junior Handler named Heather, who had never handled an Afghan Hound before! This show attracts some of the best competition in the US, and sometimes from overseas as well, and some of the top professional handlers. I told Heather, 'You just beat Tiger Woods!' See CATALOG from this show
Indianapolis, IN shows Feb. 8-11/2007: On 2/8 & 2/9, Cat was Winner & Best of Winners & Best of Opposite Sex for 2 pts each day, and sister Gale was Reserve. Judges were Mr. G. H. Heitzman & P. L. Brenner. On 2/11, Cat was Reserve Winner, and sister Gale was winner. Judge was Mrs. K. C. Steidel Cat was handled by our young friend, 18 year old Devin Leverett at these shows.
At Greenville, MS, on 1/20/07, Cat was Reserve Winner, and her sister Gale was Winner & Best Opposite Sex. Judge was Dr. J. Donald Jones. 1/21/07, Cat won Best of Breed, Best of Winners, and 1 point. Judge was Patricia Trotter. Sister Gale was Reserve Winner. These girls have both been beating our Misty - Hosanna Supernatural Rainbow, who is more mature, VERY beautiful, and major pointed!
At Biloxi, MS, on 12/8 & 9, Cat was Reserve Winner, and her sister Gale was winner. 12/10/06, Cat was Winner & Best of Opposite Sex for another point. Her sister, Gale, was Reserve Winner. The judge was Mrs. Marylou Harris.
At Paducah Kennel Club shows in KY, at their very first all breed show, 11/18/06, 'Cat' won her first Championship point (against a couple of adults, I think major pointed too : ) with Winner's Bitch & Best Opposite Sex, from the 6-9 puppy class. She was handled by a friend who had never handled an Afghan Hound before. Judge was Mrs. Gloria L. Geringer, and she defeated a couple of adults (I think major pointed as well). Cat & Gale were not shown the 2nd day of these shows, 11/19 (was not one of my favorite judges).
CLICK on Tasha's picture for enlargement.
Tasha is a cream (red) domino. She's not being shown, she's a very loved pet. They don't all 'HAVE' to be show dogs, but they ALL HAVE to be LOVED. : ) Her owners have written,
"She is doing wonderful!! We love her very much. She definitely is very spoiled! I am amazed at how smart she is and how easily trainable she has been over the short month that we have had her. 6/2/06
She is a very smart, trainable, loveable, friendly, dog and she loves the vets office!!! We thank you very much for breeding such a wonderful puppy! We love watching her grow and change! 6/10/06
It is hard to believe that Tasha is almost 1 yr. old! I would get another one if I lived on a farm!!! I see why you have so many! Tasha is a wonderful dog we LOVE her! She has a great temperament and is very smart and easy going! She is also very spoiled and very much loved here! Everywhere I go with her people fuss over how beautiful she is! Thanks for being a breeder of such a wonderful breed! 2/26/07
Sincerely, Kelly Blanton
Cat, Gale, and Reaper's very first shows
were at the Afghan Hound Club of America National Specialty show, 2006, and Potomac Afghan Hound and Lehigh Valley Afghan Hound Club specialty shows the two days after the National. These shows were held in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
These puppies had a ball at these shows. These are some of the BEST temperaments I've ever yet had. Of course, they are line bred on Samson www.hosanna1.com/Hounds/Samson/ , and his phenomenal attitude has come through. In the Sweepstakes at the AHCA National Specialty is the FIRST time any of them had ever had a show lead on them, and the FIRST time any of them had been in a ring. Unlike most of our litters, they had never been ANYWHERE before, nor had the training I usually do. This is the litter that was whelped just a week after my son, Edwin (he's 20 now, in college), had a terrible accident with a fork lift and almost lost his leg, and a couple of weeks before my dad became ill, and I had to go out to CA for several months and care for him. He passed away, and I had to take care of his business out in California, so my then 17 year old daughter, Rose, raised this litter pretty much all by herself while I was away. They all were wonderful at the shows, as far as enjoying themselves totally. Gale fits her name, she didn't gait properly much, as she was too busy lunging, and trying to run, and leaping - she is the wild child. She dragged me all the way around the ring at a gallop in Sweeps, but tail was up and happy, and I think I may have managed to get her stacked momentarily. <G> The other two gaited very nicely, and all had fun. They acted the whole week of shows as if EVERYONE was there just to play with them. Cat loves to jump up and hug nearly everyone, and they're all very outgoing. The 6-9 month classes at the National were HUGE (40+ in each sex), we didn't get any ribbons there. At the Lehigh Valley Afghan Hound Specialty show on Saturday, they did each get their first ribbons. In the Sweepstakes, Gale got 2nd place, and Reaper and Cat got 3rd. Reaper and Cat got 2nd place, and Gale got 3rd in the regular classes.
All PHOTOS and CONTENT on this webpage are COPYRIGHT Lynda R. Farley - AAAWWW 2006 Personal use is OK, and those who OWN the individual puppy have permission to use their puppy's photos. ALL OTHER RIGHTS RESERVED - ASK PERMISSION FOR ANYTHING ELSE.