With Rose & Edwin Farley - 1990
in his younger days. Then, the 'slight arch over the loin' the Breed standard calls for was also apparent as well as more muscle and arch of neck. Note the 'shoulders which are long and sloping and VERY well laid back.'; and the angle of croup to match. Note the long and well set under upper arm, good length of rear, and good bend of stifle.
Alf was a 'square' dog, measuring 28" at the top of the shoulder, and 28" from chest to buttocks. He weighed about 62 lbs, with long, strong, neither too fine nor too coarse bone, and hard muscling. He had a good length of rib cage, and comparatively short loin, with good spring of rib, and medium width. His depth of brisket was good, and tuck up of loin excellent. He had very short, strong hocks. His feet were huge and strong with thick pads - he never had a single problem with his feet running on our acreage all those years. He used to get out in the hill pastures and race our two 1/2 Arabian mares, and outrun them going uphill. He was a sight to die for, hair flying, leaping and dodging gullies, rocks, and thickets. He was groomed about once a month, whether he needed it or not, and rarely had mats - so his coat texture was really excellent. He had a tight scissors bite, and complete dentition too.
Many of his excellent qualities have been carried on in his kids, grandkids, and now the first litter of great grandkids - especially that awesome topline!